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Cookie Mix Calculator


This calculator would be great for parents and caregivers as well as Troop Cookie Managers, to use when trying to determine how many cookies of a specific flavor they might need when placing their initial pre-season order, gathering cookies for a booth sale, going to the warehouse to pick up more cookies and more!
How to use the calculator:
  1. Standard distribution – simply select a pre-set quantity and the tool will calculate approximately how many of each flavor you would likely need.*
  2. Custom distribution – use this option if you want to use the calculator to send information to your troop cookie manager, and you want to calculate your own package counts for each flavor and not use any automatic calculations. Simply enter the amount of packages for each flavor and the calculator will keep a running total for you.
    * Note that the final total may vary slightly from the original amount selected and the percentages may not always equal 100 due to rounding.
Complete the form by entering your Girl Scout’s name and troop number, your email address, your Troop Cookie Manager's email address and anyone else you'd like to send a copy to. When done, click Submit.
Important note: This calculator is for informational resources only. The information submitted is not uploaded into eBudde or used by GSNETX, in any way, to place a cookie order on your behalf. We cannot edit, resend or access submitted entries.


Cookie Adventurefuls Lemon-Ups Trefoils Do-si-dos Samoas Tagalongs Thin Mints S'mores Toffee-tastic Total
  Adventurefuls Lemon-Ups Trefoils Do-si-dos Samoas Tagalongs Thin Mints S'mores Toffee-Tastics  
Mix % 9% 8% 8% 8% 21% 13% 26% 4% 3% 100%







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